Sensory space

NDIS participant in a wheel chair with VR headset onWoman with VR headset onNDIS participant having fun putting on VR headsetParticipant playing with VR headset

Sensory Space VR Experience

The Evenness Sensory Space is a virtual reality environment that stimulates primary senses through fiber optics, sounds, color, and lighting. A multi-sensory space is known to improve anxiety and develop key life skills including vocalisation, gross motor skills, colour recognition and tracking.

Research Paper Quotes

“With the introduction of low-cost Virtual reality (VR) headsets and software, VR has emerged as an assistive technology tool for a range of health and wellness initiatives.” The use of technology was popular with both organisations and users, and it was perceived as less expensive than the traditional physical space. “VR has the potential to revolutionize the implementation of sensory rooms. The technology inherently overcomes many limitations of physical spaces, allowing users access at their leisure in a range of environments, and offering new potential to customize the experience.”

Suitable for
Movement impaired
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